Beautiful Babies by Kristen Michaelis

First of all, this is not a pregnancy announcement. But I am happy to announce that for the past three months, my husband, Ryan, and I have been "trying" for a baby. Shortly after we began trying, I discovered Laken's blog Peach and Humble. I instantly became a fan, and practically ate up all of her posts on real food and natural fertility.

To take it to the next level, I snatched up Beautiful Babies by Kristen Michaelis. Other than the Bible, of course, this has been my most go-to book to date. I read it through very quickly and couldn't stop talking about it with my family, friends, and coworkers. I am enamored by Kristen's unmatched knowledge and know-how. I have already started reading through the book a second time and feel very confident that I will read through it several more times before the pages become too worn.

The first portion of the book is sectioned out and talks about various natural food items and their processed counterparts, the difference between them and the differences they make in our bodies, especially in regard to our fertility. Michaelis goes in-depth about choosing naturally extracted oils over the typical yellow-seed oils derived from high-heat chemical processes. Even if you are not planning to conceive in the near future, I consider this book to be a must-read for the first half of the book alone.

The next portion of the book talks specifically about what you should and should not be eating as a pregnant mother and breastfeeding mother. She even goes into detailing the best methods for breastfeeding plus how and when to introduce real food to your baby, which is much more appealing to me than the unrecognizable muck called baby food purees.

The last portion of the book is made up of delicious looking and sounding recipes as well as information on food substitutes to try instead of the processed and chemically filled ones that we are probably used to. I have already dog-eared several of the recipes that I want to try first, with the big one being bone broth. Don't freak out--I know it sounds a little peculiar. But after reading about bone broth on Peach and Humble, in the book, and on the author's blog Food Renegade it just makes so much sense!

It can be slightly intimidating and overwhelming to learn about this "new" way of thinking, but I know that with time these discoveries will help me make the most informed and wise choices for my family. I will be sharing more about our "real food" journey here, so stay tuned!



  1. I'm DEFINITELY checking this out! Thanks for the recommendation!


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